Session of the Institute for Critical Theories of Supermodernity2, Sofia, 2-3 November 2018, the James Bourchier Hall, the building at 23 J. Bourchier St
Friday, 2 November
14.30-14.50. Official opening – Deyan Deyanov; chair: Darin Tenev
Session 1: The disenchantment of the world: the problem in Weber, 1 – chair: Liliana Deyanova
14.50-15.40. Kolyo Koev, „Rationality and modern capitalism in the context of Weber’s work with genetic concepts” (plenary presentation)
Session 2: The Critique & Humanism Publishing House: our Weberian tradition – chair: Teodora Karamelska
15.40.-16.10. Antoinette Koleva, kolvo Koev, “The ‘new’ and the ‘old’ Weber as editorial micropolitics’ (interim recapitulation 🙂
16.10-16.25 coffee break
Session 3: The disenchantment of the world: the problem in Weber, 2 – chair: Liliana Deyanova
16.25-17.50. Johannes Weiss, „Modern science, the disenchantment of the world, and the future of religion” (plenary presentation, translation by Svetlana Sabeva)
17.50-18.10. Svetlana Sabeva, „The disenchantment of the world in the context of Johannes Weiss’s negative sociology” (critical commentary to Weiss’s presentation)
18.10-18.30. Johannes Weiss (answer to criticisms)
18.30-18.45. coffee break
18.45-19.25. Teodora Karamelska, „Weber’s perspective towards the ethical rationalization of Ancient Judaism”
19.30-21.30. The Institute for Critical Theories of Supermodernity invites you to a glass of wine etc. (the hall at the 7th floor, under the motto „Let’s re-enchant the world!” 🙂
Saturday, 3 November
Session 4: Formal rationality and disenchantment in the theory of structures of mediation, 1 (introduction: our3 pedagogical experiment) – chair: Martina Mineva
9.30-10.45. Discussing the annotations and problem contents of the lectures in the critical theory of supermodern capitalism and in the logic of the dialectical (as that theory’s organon)
10.45-11.00. coffee break
Session 5: Formal rationality and disenchantment in the theory of structures of mediation, 2 – chair: Kolyo Koev
11.00-11.50. Deyan Deyanov, “To problematize the disenchantment of the world in – and through – Marx (on the fateful encounter of modern capitalism and Galilean science)” (plenary presentation)
11.50-12.30. Tanya Orbova, „Disenchantment, formal rationality, Vergesellschaftung: Weber’s concepts in the context of supermodern acceleration”
12.30-13.10. Georgi Medarov, „’I would annex the planets if I could!’ (The paradoxes of entrerpreneur rationalities from Cecile Rhodes to Elon Musk)”
13.10-14.10. lunch break – you are invited to pizza, a glass of wine and free discussions by the Critique & Humanism Academic Rhizome
Session 6: The problematizations of Western European rationalism in Marx, Weber and Husserl (summary debate) – chair: Svetlana Sabeva
14.10-14.25. Svetlana Sabeva, „What can Husserl’s articles in the Kaizo Journal offer to us?” (introduction)
14.25-15.40. brainstorming session 🙂
15.40-16.00. Official closing – Johannes Weiss; chair: Kolyo Koev
1 Every speaker distributes his or her time between the presentation and its discussion.
2 Jointly with the Institute for Critical Social Studies and the Department of Sociology and the Human Sciences at the University of Plovdiv, i.e. the Critique & Humanism Academic Rhizome.
3 I.e. the lectures in ICTS ‘s School for the Theory of Structures of Mediation and in the Science, Technology and Supermodern Capitalism Doctoral Programme in the University of Plovdiv.