Jointly organised with the Institute for Critical Social Studies and the Department of Sociology and the Human Sciences at the University of Plovdiv, i.e. the Critique & Humanism Academic Rhizome.
Institute for Critical Theories of Supermodernity
Jointly organised with the Institute for Critical Social Studies and the Department of Sociology and the Human Sciences at the University of Plovdiv, i.e. the Critique & Humanism Academic Rhizome.
An anniversary session of the Institute for Critical Theories of Supermodernity, Sofia, 29 June – 1 July, 2018
The second anniversary session of the Institute for Critical Theories of Supermodernity was held on 1 and 2 July 2017 in Sofia. The session’s title was Marx’s Capital: Contradictions of Inheritance.
The 150th anniversary of Marx’s Capital
Ordinary session of the Institute for Critical Theories of Supermodernity was held in Sofia on the 26th February 2017, its title was “Supermodern Technologies, Acceleration and Enhancement”.
The ICTS session marking the first anniversary of the Institute took place on July 3, 2016. The session was entitled Karatani, Žižek, and Marx’s theory of surplus value.
The first session of the Institute for Critical Theories of Supermodernity was entitled How Can We Problematise Supermodern Capitalism? and took place on January 9 and 10, 2016, in Sofia.